Prep School
At Argyle House Prep School, also known as primary school, we take pride in providing a nurturing and engaging environment for children aged 4 to 11 at our Prep School, which is divided into the Early Years Foundation Stage, Lower Prep School, and Upper Prep School. Our dedicated staff ensures that children feel supported and encouraged throughout their learning journey, helping them build a strong foundation for their future.
We welcome applications for children to join our Prep School at any point during the school year, and we are committed to making the transition into our community as smooth and welcoming as possible.
Lower Prep School
Our Lower Prep School, also known as Infants, is for pupils in Reception through to Year 2, offering a balanced and stimulating curriculum that fosters creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking. In these formative years, we emphasise developing literacy and numeracy skills while encouraging social and emotional growth through group activities and exploration.
Upper Prep School
Our Upper Prep School, also known as Juniors, is for pupils from Year 3 through to Year 6. During these years, we focus on expanding students’ academic skills and broadening their horizons with opportunities to explore various subjects in depth. We provide a well-rounded education that includes not only core academic subjects but also art, music, physical education, and technology.
After Argyle House School Prep School
As our pupils approach the end of Year 6, we ensure their transition to our Senior School is seamless. Every Year 6 pupil is guaranteed a place in our Senior School without needing to reapply, giving families peace of mind and continuity in their child’s educational journey.
Wraparound Care
We also offer wraparound care, ensuring flexibility for families. Pupils can arrive at school as early as 8:00 am, and we provide after-school care until 5:15 pm. During after-school hours, children can join clubs or participate in supervised activities such as drawing, playing games, completing homework, or socialising.
To learn more about our Prep School, we invite you to attend one of our events. Secure your place today and experience our vibrant learning community first hand!